(Credit to Hannah at Hxanou.co.uk, who is one of the nicest people and a top notch photographer.)
If you keep up to date with blogging events in the North West, I'm pretty sure that you'll have heard of #CarnLIVal before. Katy and Sam organise fantastic events for bloggers and brands to connect and network, and every event I attend of theirs just gets better and better. How they are going to top the event held in Hope Street Hotel on the 8th of April I do not know - the venue was beautiful, the brands were amazing, and the company was pretty great too. One of my favourite things that has come from my blog is getting to meet likeminded people; girls who feel most at home taking photos and writing page after page of rambles to post on the internet. We're a special breed.
Hope Street Hotel is hidden just past Bold Street, and the balconies look out over the city, making for some gorgeous shots of Liverpool. It also seemed like the perfect place to stay for a trip to Liverpool, FYI. The sun was shining, it was my 19th birthday, and everything just felt a little bit like magic. I'm so impressed with the work that the girls did to make this event a possibility, and the hard work that must have gone into recruiting brands and PRs so that both sides of the story benefitted as much as possible. It was also cool to see so much going on for charity; you may have seen on the news lately that truancy rates are high in schools where young girls don't have access to sanitary products - to see so much being done for them was inspiring, and I'm glad to have contributed to that movement.
(Credit to Hannah, who I loved seeing again! You can visit her wonderful blog here.)
As for the gift bag, the girls know how to wow. 10/10. I haven't emptied out the entirety of my bags for this photo but I have picked a few of my favourites to show to you. Brands like Makeup Geek, No7 and Kiko Milano are some of my favourites, so to receive lip products from them as well as a stunning indigo lipstick from Illamasqua was such a nice surprise. Haircare brands like Toni&Guy and Lee Stafford got involved, and I've shared out the hair items between my family members, since my little sister's favourite thing as a dancer, is hairspray. Sharing is caring.
I'm really excited to try products from DermaV10; I've never put effort into my skincare routine until this year so I can't wait to see how using a night cream affects my skin. There were so many products on offer from this brand, and they all looked worth checking out (which you can do right here). Other brands that I was over the moon to see in the bags were Body Fantasies, Zuii Organic and Fentimans, who I've worked with before and really respect as a brand.
The 8th was such a success in every sense of the word and I can't wait to attend the next event that Katy and Sam pull together. 
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